Eth zurich nano systems

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Baltes, Henry, Prof. em. Dr. phone+41 44 20 [email protected]_onCLA G chevron_rightDetails � chevron_right � Basu, Mainak, Dr. Master Micro and Nanosystems. The Master offers an interdisciplinary education with elements primarily from mechanical and electrical engineering. It is. Our group integrates the latest advances in nano-?optics with fundamental physics, biology and engineering to address scientific and technological challenges.
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Please join in welcoming Ali and wish him all the best! The lab leverages materials engineering, cutting-edge analytics and simulations to obtain a holistic understanding of the interplay of engineered materials with the living across scales, enabling data-driven materials and device designs, which offer a direct route to unparalleled diagnostic and therapeutic performance. Turning Properties into Functions In our group research projects are focused on the exploration of new methods and processes for the utilization of material properties for functional devices and future products.