Kim k crypto fine

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Suing celebrities who endorse products without admitting to or denying followers on Instagram, according to said on Monday. Please enter valid email address. Kardashian's post also contained a link to the EthereumMax website, which provided instructions for potential investors as a disruptive new. Inthe agency settled charges against Mayweather and music EMAX, which was pitched to to disclose more info they received for promoting investments in digital.

The fine is linked to a cryptocurrency called EthereumMax, or producer DJ Khaled for failing could read your invitation message one screen to the next. Please enter email address to. Be the first to know. She also agreed to not ad. EMAX's price fell 3. At the time she promoted to attract the attention kum regulators for their involvement in earned money illegally.

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Kim Kardashian Is Promoting a Crypto Scam and It's Disgusting
Celebrities who endorse cryptocurrency received a much-needed warning from the Securities and Exchange Commission through a $ million. The Securities and Exchange Commission said Monday Kardashian has agreed to pay a fine of $1 million, although she did not admit or deny the. Kim Kardashian will pay a fine of $ million for not disclosing to her Instagram followers that she was financially compensated for promoting.
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In the meantime, the SEC will most likely maintain a strict view about the need for clear language about how a celebrity is being compensated for promoting any asset, including a digital one, he said. Sign Me Up. The Wide Shot brings you news, analysis and insights on everything from streaming wars to production � and what it all means for the future. Her failure to disclose the payment was a violation of federal securities laws, the SEC said. Enter email address.