Can you buy bitcoin if you are under 18

can you buy bitcoin if you are under 18

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How To Buy Crypto Under 18 With Debit Card (STILL WORKS 2023)
Yes, you can be part of the trade bitcoin if you are under 18 years old. Most trades these days cause it so you need to conform to their Know. No, individuals under the age of 18 should not invest in the cryptocurrency markets on their own. There are many risks involved with buying Bitcoin that may not. The most popular exchanges are Coinbase, Binance, and Kraken. However, these services.
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Therefore, those under 18 from the US will need to look elsewhere. Varieties of Cryptocurrencies Although Bitcoin and Ethereum are two of the largest and most popular cryptocurrencies, dozens of smaller, lesser-known options are available through exchanges worldwide. Until kids are 18, parents can buy them and have authority over them. There are certain laws and regulations that can introduce risks for individuals within specific countries that may place minors at increased risk when trading crypto.