Im a bitcoin millionaire can you buy me a coffee

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"A highly dramatic but lucid introduction to the murky world of cryptocurrency." � Kirkus Reviews. "Five out of Five Stars. Reading this book was nothing. How do you invest in cryptocurrency? Jeff Koyen's story of bitcoin, verge, litecoin, and cryptocurrency trading. Is that a lot of money? I think the answer is yes. That is if you start from $0. My cousin, Yan, started from [absolutely] nothing.
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Like I said, I was drinking a lot. From the bottom of my heart, I hope that dude had a great anniversary, because he paid a million bucks for it. Within a few years of its launch in , bitcoin became less important as a currency than as a commodity, not unlike gold. For every 1,times windfall, thousands more investments have gone south, wiping out trading accounts and nest eggs. Bitcoin is a currency that is built on a blockchain.